Topic-Based Authoring and Single Sourcing with Pooja Laxmeshwar

Topic-Based Authoring and Single Sourcing with Pooja Laxmeshwar

Ever wondered how technical writers can keep things simple and consistent through out all the documents? Pooja Laxmeshwar, technical writer for BAI Communications, has solved this question in this podcast episode. She explains how making documentation more accessible can be achieved through topic-based authoring and single-sourcing.

In this episode, Pooja addresses how topic-based authoring and single-sourcing help save time, improve accuracy, and make technical content more user-friendly. From reusing content to simplifying translations, she shares practical tips on dealing with technical documentation better. Whether you’re navigating complex documentation projects or looking to simplify content delivery, Pooja’s expertise offers valuable lessons for technical writers and content creators alike.

Click here to listen to the complete podcast episode